
New Year – New Canvas!

Happy 2024! I love January because the holiday chaos is over, and it feels like a new beginning. A blank canvas. A chance to start fresh with new goals, or take a new approach to old goals, a time to reflect on your “why,” and get excited about self-care again. But how do we make sure we aren’t here in the same spot working on the same goals next year? By being realistic, consistent, and making it a priority.

To make lasting lifestyle changes, it all starts with YOU. You know your willingness and readiness. Set yourself up for success by making sure your goals align with what you have the capacity for. Learn from past mistakes, find ways to stay focused, and put in the work it takes while adapting to barriers along the way. I know this can sound daunting, but you are not alone in this journey! At III-A, we want to set you up with all the tools you need for success. We are here to help you spark your motivation, provide the benefits and resources to make healthy changes, and offer professional help and along the way from our health coach, clinicians, and online programs.

Ask yourself: What do I want? What am I ready to change? What is realistic and achievable? What do I have time for? And why is this important to me? Here are a few tips to help you be successful with your health and wellness goals in 2024:


Define your “why:”

  • Why is reaching this goal important to you?
  • What would your life look like if you met this goal?


Some examples of a ‘why’ might be:

  • I want to be at a healthy weight so I can feel energized to keep up with my children (or grandchildren).
  • I want to get my health under control so when I retire I can travel and feel good.
  • I want to gain self-confidence and have less aches and pains.2
  • When it comes to reaching health goals, having a solid “why” is essential for the focus, motivation, and energy to keep at it. Remembering ‘why’ is important to you can help you stay focused and on track when things get hard. Write down your ‘why’ and post it in a few places you will see regularly.


The secret to reaching goals is making them “S.M.A.R.T:”

  • Specific – Make your goal precise. For example, “I will pack my healthy lunches for work the night before.”
  • Measurable – Make sure you can quantify it. “Three times this week,” “every day,” and “at 5 p.m. nightly” are all good examples.
  • Action Oriented – This means your goal requires action by you to be met. What behavior are you changing? Try to focus on changing a physical behavior rather than emotional thoughts or feelings.
  • Realistic – Choose a realistic goal that is attainable; a goal you can meet will reinforce your efforts and keep you moving forward. Ask yourself: Can you complete this goal? Try setting smaller goals that will help lead you to tackling a bigger goal.
  • Time-Based – Set a reasonable timeline for when you can meet your goal; this helps keep you accountable. And is this a lifestyle you are committing to or a temporary goal? Also, find a way to track it, whether it is a journal, calendar, or an app.

Be sure to write them down, track your progress, and review them regularly.


Be consistent, patient, and foster support.

This may be one of the hardest steps because we love quick fixes and instant gratification. But the more consistent you are with your changes, the closer you are to making them a regular healthy habit. Try journaling or talking to your accountability partner about what is going well with your goals, and what needs tweaking and more focus. And finally, support is huge in achieving success. Finding someone to hold you accountable and to check in with on your progress. This will help you stay focused when things might get tough.


Here are a few additional wellness benefits available to you through the III-A:

  • Wondr Health: Digital Weight Loss Program – join at any time:
  • Diabetes Prevention Program: in-person and virtual options, see if you qualify:
  • Wellness Wednesday Presentations: Check with your clerk or HR for the monthly Wellness Wednesday presentation or sign up for III-A emails to get on the list:


Needing that extra support and accountability? Start working with a health coach today! Call or email to get started: 208-938-5632, [email protected].